This circular board has 12 LEDs animated by a microcontroller. Assembly and HEX code and EAGLE files are provided on the web page.
This project uses the Simple LED Animation Kit (SLAK post or page) with the LEDs arranged in a circle around the PIC16F628A. I decided to do this project after picking up some red SMD LEDs at HSC in Santa Clara, CA, last week. Although the only difference from the basic SLAK is the board design, I find that this layout to be have the potential to be more useful. It could easily be a medallion on a necklace. If I had blue LEDs this would go well in an IronMan Reactor Core package.
This board only needs 4.5V and in the video is running on only 3 AA batteries. You can see that the PIC is still in a socket.
If anyone is interested, I can easily change the SMD parts to thru-hole parts and post an updated board. Circle LED animation - [Link]
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